Excellence Utvikling

Excel Development and VBA Macro Programming

Excel Tips and Tricks - Discover the Power of Microsoft Excel

Welcome to my Excel blog! This blog reflects my day-to-day adventures and discoveries as an Excel consultant, where I consistently push the boundaries of what Excel can do. While my original Excel blog in Norwegian covers a broader spectrum of Excel topics, this English counterpart focuses on selected articles that delve into more specialized subjects. These topics, although they might have a smaller audience in Norway, strive to offer content that is not commonly found on other blogs, making them of potential interest to Excel enthusiasts worldwide

Whether you're an Excel superuser, use Excel for your business or just really love spreadsheets and VBA, I invite you to explore the blog and to learn some new Excel tips and tricks. If you have any comments or suggestions, don't hesitate to reach out - your input is always valued. I from time to time update the blog with new content when something exciting comes up in my daily Excel work, so consider following us on Facebook for the latest updates.

Newest blog articles

Excel conditional formatting performance enhancement

Speed up your conditional formatting using this hack

Taking a real-world example of a resource planning calendar in Excel, we will showcase a little-known hack to speed up your conditional formatting in Excel.


Excel HubSpot integration thumbnail

Excel HubSpot integration using VBA

Discover how to use VBA to integrate HubSpot with Excel. We will create a new deal through the API and after that read the deal.


About me and Excellence Utvikling

Your Excel Consultant from Norway - Michael Wycisk

Hei - my name is Michael, and I am the founder of Excellence Utvikling in Norway. My mission is to help businesses and organizations in Norway and around the globe to derive maximum value from Microsoft Excel. Excellence Utvikling offers a broad spectrum of Excel consulting services, including the creation of Excel templates, dashboards, VBA macros, complex data models and much more. I'm passionate about using Excel to its fullest potential, and my aim is to help others to do the same.